
    Technology consulting

    Practical consulting for medium-sized manufacturing companies

    All of our measures are combined in clearly understandable packages to give you maximum flexibility with regard to scope, success and costs. A selection of six typical Tebis consulting projects with different priorities is listed below.

    We focus on process optimization, improving efficiency, machine productivity, project management structures, strategic orientation, personnel management and future concepts. Our first step in consulting is to sound out your company's requirements. We work together with you to define your goals, and we include you and your employees in developing the concept and the plan to achieve these goals.

    Then we move on to implementation. We establish trust and then moderate the changes and implement the agreed measures. We see our role as one of guiding the company. Changes can only work if they are implemented with and not against the employees. We therefore get the employees on board right from the start and ensure that they are active participants in developing and implementing our recommendations.

    Guided implementation of automation

    Project goal

    • Motivating employees
    • Selecting a suitable partner and dimensioning the automation to match the product portfolio
    • Introducing and implementing automation
    Preparing specifications and selecting a suitable software system

    Project goal

    • Preparation of requirements and specifications for selecting an ERP system
    • Support in selecting and implementing the right system
    Introduction of design guidelines and part classification

    Project goal

    • Uniform design guidelines independent of the designer (internal/external)
    • Introduction of component classification in design as the basis for the entire process
    Selection and integration of an automated 5-axis milling machine, including automation

    Project goal

    • Selecting a suitable automated 5-axis milling machine
    • Establishing future operating methods
    • Defining all necessary modification measures