Krieger Modellbau GmbH, Aalen, Germany
Model, die and fixture manufacturing
Interviewee: Dominik and Florian Krieger, Managing Directors
About ten years ago, the sports world was swept by a new phenomenon. Many soccer clubs and others developed their team principles and made them public. The purpose was to show fans and players what the club stood for – including specific values and traditions – and to enhance their loyalty to the club. These principles were also a means of influencing public perception of the club and acquiring sponsors. This practice of corporate development and communications has established itself in sports and is ongoing. The situation is quite different in die and mold manufacturing: "Approximately 25 percent of the roughly 4,000 companies in our industry have written principles," Jens Lüdtke estimates. The trained industrial mechanic with a degree in Mechanical Engineering is head of Tebis Consulting, an independent business area of Tebis AG specializing in die, model and mold manufacturing and production machining. In addition to other services, the team of six consultants also is responsible for the preparation of the company’s principles in its portfolio.
Florian reports: "We formed a six-man team from corporate management and second-level management, and Burak Beklenoglu from Tebis Consulting guided us and moderated the process . We worked together to develop the survey and to evaluate the responses." Beklenoglu, who has already developed principles with several other companies, describes this process as extremely valuable: "The framework comes from corporate management, and the interesting fine-tuning is then based on input from employees: This feedback often gives us highly unexpected but especially in-depth insights into the corporate culture," reports Beklenoglu, a project manager with more than 15 years of experience in market analysis, business development and consulting in market positioning. It’s critical that the employees receive the results of the survey so they’ll understand exactly how the principles were developed.
Krieger Modellbau has recorded its principles in a mind map where the company's values and characteristics are structured and summarized in compact form. The formulation of and insights from the maps are already having an impact: for example, internally in the family company's personnel management. "No hire and fire: Our parents already exemplified this," says Dominik. This is an approach that’s been taken to a completely new level in the company: "For example, we encourage our specialists to study in parallel with their work and in general to participate in ongoing training. Employees should be able to optimally develop themselves in our company. We’ve expressed this perspective in the principles project with the formulation: A workplace for life."
A distinctive and memorable motto like this has both internal and external effects. Dominik's brother Florian illustrates the relationship between the individual maturing process of developing the principles and the impact on a company’s outward image: "Developing our principles strengthened me in my personal development. It was an extremely complex process, but after a few months you can say to yourself: In the past, I would have held this customer meeting in a completely different way. We’ve since become calmer, more prudent and more confident, and we all follow a common strategy. I believe that this is perceived by investors, suppliers and customers." And if you use them cleverly, he says, principles can become a true competitive advantage.
But are principles really necessary for every die, model and mold manufacturing or production machining company? The Managing Directors at Krieger are so convinced of this that they’re making an offer to industrial companies. "We warmly welcome anyone who wants to know more about how we developed our principles to discuss it with us," Florian Krieger explains. "Because despite the current competitive atmosphere, companies that supply high-tech should draw much closer together and help each other out – especially considering the internationalization in the die, model and mold manufacturing industry. We’d all sleep easier." By the way, this openness is also documented in the Krieger mind map. Because Dominik and Florian are very sure of one thing: If you have principles, you should live according to them, otherwise they’re no benefit. It's the same in soccer: Publishing a motto on the club website is one thing, but there’s only a long-term gain if you actually work as a team and pursue these higher values is there any long-term gain!